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Make Your Voice Heard on AARP Policy Positions

Every day, thousands of AARP staff and volunteers bring AARP public policies to life when they fight on behalf of older Americans and their families in all state capitals and Washington, D.C.

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Yet those vital efforts would not be possible without input from people just like you.

AARP policies are set by our all-volunteer Board of Directors, but only after an annual process that begins with listening to the insights and experience of individuals who are 50-plus.

As a first step, the Board turns for guidance to AARP’s National Policy Council, made up of 25 AARP members who volunteer their time and expertise.

The NPC’s job is to consider a broad range of information and perspectives, including public comments. NPC members read correspondence from members, analyze data, review policy research and analysis, and consider differing viewpoints from community leaders and national experts.

Next, after reviewing all the information, the NPC makes recommendations to the AARP Board, which conducts its own debate of these same issues. The Board has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that AARP policies can enhance the well-being of older Americans and their families.

Once the Board approves policies, they are made available to the public at

This annual process is extremely important. AARP’s policy positions guide our advocacy for legislation and regulations at the national, state and local levels. They can make a huge difference for consumers, whether the subject is financial security, product safety, health care or any number of issues that affect our quality of life.

Our current policy review extends through July 31, and your comments are essential to the process. Your input is thoroughly considered and helps ensure that AARP policy positions reflect our mission to make life better for all.

I urge you to share your insights to help with this important process.

You can submit your comments by going to Or you can mail your feedback to:

AARP Office of Policy Development and Integration
Attn: Policy Solicitation
601 E Street, NW B3-441
Washington, DC 20049


Debra Whitman is AARP’s chief public policy officer and leads policy development, analysis and research, as well as global thought leadership that supports and advances the interests of individuals age 50-plus and their families. Follow Deb on Twitter: @DebAARP

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