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Jen Reeves

I was tired of the cycle: Color my hair, and one week later, there were already the little bits of white popping up at my scalp. By week three, I was in dire need of a touch-up to maintain my once-natural brown locks.
Digital giants like Facebook, Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft would all like to be the home base for your mobile phone or tablet. The challenge is keeping you connected to them even when you're doing something completely different.
News last week that a North Carolina woman died in a head-on car crash while posting selfies and Facebook updates brings home the hope for "connected cars." More cars connected to the Internet, the argument goes, would help, not distract, drivers. With hands-free, eyes-on-the-road communication and…
George Takei understands the evolution of his popularity. As Hikaru Sulu in the original Star Trek TV series, he made fans of his own generation and they "raised their kids right" to form the next generation of Trekkies. Now, having made himself something of a social media rock star, Takei reaches…
If you use Facebook, you have seen how your friends' photos and "Likes" can connect to ads on the popular social network. The "sponsored stories" concept is also moving to Google. The web search engine company recently announced it is changing its Terms of Service to include an option to…
Facebook announced this week it will make it a lot easier to search your personal page along with all of your friends. It's called the Facebook Graph Search. While this announcement does not change your privacy settings on Facebook, it means if you've ignored your privacy settings, now is a really…
There's a Facebook post you may have seen again and again over the past week. It's a post your friends are copying and pasting from each other without checking to see if it's true. It looks something like this:
Hurricane Sandy roared into the East Coast during my first week as the AARP's new social media trainer. I noticed how many people were sharing incorrect information on social media and wrote a post explaining ways you can check the information you share with friends. In the aftermath of the storm…
As the AARP's new social media trainer, I am always keeping an eye out on trends and "teachable moments" online. Hurricane Sandy has offered a very big lesson: Don't believe everything you see.
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