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Tina Johnson-Marcel

President Obama rallied Congress yesterday to get back to work on a debt ceiling deal. Last week, I posted a hypothetical from the Bipartisan Policy Center on what could happen to Social Security if lawmakers don't make the August 2 deadline. ... Having your say: Want to ask President Obama a…
Long-awaited good news. Starting July 1, people with pre-existing conditions will see a reduction in their health insurance premiums. The price cuts - between 2 and 40 percent, depending on the state - are part of a federally run program (in 23 states and the District of Columbia) created under the…
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit in Cincinnati voted Wednesday to uphold the individual mandate provision of President Obama's health care law. What that means: Congress can require Americans to carry insurance coverage. The ruling is no doubt a boost to the law's proponents, but it's…
Lots of breast cancer news to sort through this morning: From the L.A. Times: A 30-year trial by Swedish researchers has found regular mammograms can reduce breast cancer deaths by at least 30 percent, "a finding that many doctors say may help ease the recent controversy surrounding the procedure."…
Changing face of the suburbs. Latest analysis pulled from 2010 Census: It's not news to us, but new research shows the nation's suburbs are shifting away from the young couples with children image. About 40 percent of residents are 45 or older. And politicians and planners are taking heed: Now that…
TSA stands by officers after pat-down of 95-year-old woman in Florida. The cancer patient was forced to remove her adult diaper during a screening a couple of weeks ago at the Northwest Florida Regional Airport, according to her daughter. The federal agency's statement: "We have reviewed the…
Is the "apple of the earth" bad for you? Potatoes, the go-to starch for many Americans, can add pounds over time, a new Harvard study reveals. In fact one extra serving "was found to cause more weight gain than downing an additional 12-ounce can of a sugary drink or taking an extra helping of red…
Will the new cigarette labels stop you from smoking? The federal government unveiled nine graphic images that appear on all cigarette packs and ads as part of a powerful new warning strategy. What do you think? Are the new labels more "fear factor" than effective? Something else to consider:…
P.M. Notes: Social Security cost-of-living allowance is coming: But don't get too excited. The increase is expected to be modest. ... The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is offering emergency funding for people struggling to pay their mortgage. Homeowners facing foreclosure have…
Cancer deaths down but disparities still exist. ... The overall cancer death rate declined between 1990 and 2007, according to the latest statistics by the American Cancer Society. However, the report finds disparities still exist among socioeconomic and racial groups. ... Speaking of cancer:…
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