AARP Eye Center
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AARP wants to change that, which is why we endorsed the bipartisan SEE (Search Engines Examine) Care Compare Act. The bill would make it easier for people to find Medicare’s Care Compare website by improving its searchability on web browsers such as Google.
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The bill was signed July 11, making Maine the 16th state, along with the District of Columbia, to adopt some form of paid family leave, although some programs are still being implemented.
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In a letter to Senate lawmakers signed by AARP, patient advocates and dozens of other groups, we called for immediate passage of legislation that would “crack down on patent and regulatory abuses by drug companies that thwart competition from lower-priced alternatives.”
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AARP joined health experts and advocates for the discussion of the Inflation Reduction Act, which AARP was instrumental in passing, and which lowers prescription drug prices for Medicare enrollees. The event was hosted by Protect Our Care.
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The bill, which Ivey enacted into law June 15, could cut the state’s 4 percent sales tax on groceries in half by next year. The tax will drop to 3 percent on Sept. 1 and to 2 percent in September 2024. Next year’s reduction is contingent on the state’s Education Trust Fund collections growing by 3.5 percent.
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That’s according to a new AARP survey of more than 1,000 adults 18 and older. Our research found the sentiment holds true regardless of a person’s age, gender or politics.
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The grants fund quick-action projects to make communities more livable in all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
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Under the program, which President Joe Biden called “the biggest investment in high-speed internet ever,” states and territories will get anywhere from $27 million to $3.3 billion, depending on need, to build or upgrade broadband infrastructure in rural and other underserved areas.
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