AARP Eye Center
Covering Low-Income Midlife Adults Through Medicaid: Making Progress, but More States Need to Take the Plunge
By Lynda Flowers, February 11, 2016 02:19 PM
The Affordable Care Act — as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court — gives states the option to expand Medicaid. Access to Medicaid significantly reduces the number of uninsured in this country. Since the expansion began, millions of individuals are receiving coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Yet, 19 states have not expanded Medicaid coverage, potentially leaving almost 2 million low-income midlife adults (ages 45-64) without access to insurance coverage.
Being uninsured is especially hard on adults in their middle years who are experiencing the onset of chronic illness, like diabetes and hypertension. These conditions are treatable with sustained access to primary care. Left untreated, they worsen, leading to debilitating side effects (like loss of a limb or stroke) and high emergency room and uncompensated care costs.
Here are the numbers of midlife adults who are potentially going without health insurance coverage in states that have chosen not to expand their Medicaid programs:
Alabama 80,144
Florida 397,327
Georgia 173,952
Idaho 26,398
Kansas 30,442
Maine 14,187
Mississippi 57,697
Missouri 86,978
Nebraska 19,173
North Carolina 146,882
Oklahoma 57,220
South Carolina 85,390
South Dakota 12,149
Tennessee 108,785
Texas 427,566
Utah 21,414
Virginia 89,278
Wisconsin 51,841
Wyoming 7,429
Total 1,894,252
Lynda Flowers is a senior strategic policy adviser specializing in Medicaid issues, health disparities and public health.