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Natalie Missakian

State regulators approved a significantly smaller rate increase than initially proposed by United Illuminating after pushback from AARP.
We endorsed legislation to lift Medicare and Medicaid rules that prevent advanced practice registered nurses from providing health care services without a doctor's sign-off.
The bill would require the federal government to notify older adults every year, starting at age 60, that they will become eligible for Medicare when they turn 65.
We sent letters to lawmakers in the House and Senate endorsing legislation that would help veterans remain in their homes as they age.
The braking technology has been shown to significantly reduce the frequency of crashes and should be standards on all vehicles, AARP told federal transportation officials.
Montanans can apply starting next year to participate in the optional payment plan, which allows homeowners to pay their twice-yearly property tax bills in seven installments.
The bills target the business practices of pharmacy benefit managers, or PBMs, who negotiate prescription drug prices with drug companies on behalf of insurers.
A proposed 28.4 percent increase in auto insurance premiums over the next two years was scaled back dramatically after pushback from AARP and our members.
The law would make it illegal for employers to ask about age, date of birth or high school or college graduation dates on an initial job application.
Only a third of adults 50 and older know how many minutes of exercise is recommended each week, and fewer than a quarter are getting enough.
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