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Staying Sharp

Losing sleep due to stress and anxiety? You are not tossing and turning alone. Try some of these techniques to try to break the stressful cycle.
A well-stocked pantry makes cooking and planning meals easier. Try these common pantry foods that may help protect memory, boost energy and reduce anxiety.
There’s growing evidence that women’s and men’s brains work differently. Here are four gender-based myths and the complicated facts behind each.
There are plenty of moves that help keep your body (and brain) in top form. Here are ways to gain strength, without gym equipment.
Brain health is important to monitor as we age, including when you're in your 50s. Here are a few strategies to strengthen your gray matter.
You've probably never discussed your brain with your doctor, and they've probably never brought it up. But it’s a conversation worth having. Here's why.
The Faces & Names challenge will teach you specific techniques and strategies that may help you get better at remembering faces and names.
Like your outward appearance, your brain goes through changes as you age. Here are three issues that may be cause for concern.
There’s growing interest worldwide in plant-based diets that skip — or at least scale back — meat and other animal products. But is it for the best?
What makes the Mediterranean diet so popular with doctors and dietitians as an eating plan? For one thing, it has science behind it.
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