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Thinking Policy

Access to an employer-based, payroll-deduction retirement savings plan plays a key role in allowing people to save for the future. Yet nearly half of American workers, or about 56 million, do not have access to such a plan. To address this challenge, in recent years a growing number of states have…
In a recent AARP focus group, Malcolm (name changed for privacy), a 64-year-old man with health insurance through his employer and a preexisting condition, shared how over the course of a year, he received two low-balance medical bills he couldn’t afford to pay. The bills went to collection, which…
New AARP research finds that about half of American working adults, or about 56 million people, lack access to a payroll-deduction workplace retirement savings plan, making it much more difficult for them to save for retirement. Small business employees, workers with low-to-moderate earnings, and…
Here’s a look at why Medicare is spending more for Medicare Advantage (MA), how higher MA payments affect consumers, and why it is critically important to keep consumers front and center in considering any changes to how Medicare pays MA insurers.
Older adults and their family caregivers should know about coming changes related to the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and what they could mean for the long-term services and supports they currently receive or could in the future.
How do patients engage in shared decision making or make other health-related decisions when they or their family caregiver have a limited understanding of English?
There is some good news for people with Medicare who suffer from mental health disorders, including those with depression.
A new law that addresses high prescription drug prices and out-of-pocket costs will help improve the affordability of insulin for millions of diabetic Medicare beneficiaries, and new research sheds light on its potential impact.
Through their paid work, caregiving, and spending, women at midlife and beyond around the world are making significant and increasing contributions within and across economies.
The Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) help individuals with limited incomes pay Medicare premiums, co-pays, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses.
This is the second blog in the ‘Savings and the Economy’ series which provides data-driven insights on the implications of economic instability for household savings and discusses policies that strengthen financial wellbeing.
AARP Public Policy Institute’s Nursing Home Dashboard has tracked and analyzed COVID-19 case, death, and vaccination data since 2020. The Dashboard’s findings reveal a distressing trend among both nursing home residents and staff: not everyone is vaccinated and not everyone is “up to date” with boosters.
Two leaders in the field of nursing, recently conducted an informal online survey asking nurses how the public, their patients and their friends and families can support nurses. Distilling the responses into ten key actions, they propose that if everyone in this country did just one, we could begin to heal the heart of health care.