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Thinking Policy

Access to an employer-based, payroll-deduction retirement savings plan plays a key role in allowing people to save for the future. Yet nearly half of American workers, or about 56 million, do not have access to such a plan. To address this challenge, in recent years a growing number of states have…
In a recent AARP focus group, Malcolm (name changed for privacy), a 64-year-old man with health insurance through his employer and a preexisting condition, shared how over the course of a year, he received two low-balance medical bills he couldn’t afford to pay. The bills went to collection, which…
New AARP research finds that about half of American working adults, or about 56 million people, lack access to a payroll-deduction workplace retirement savings plan, making it much more difficult for them to save for retirement. Small business employees, workers with low-to-moderate earnings, and…
Rural residents ages 50 and older experienced higher rates of depression than urban residents in 2020 and estimates varied by race.
The COVID-19 pandemic had stark and immediate effects on home and community-based services (HCBS) and the people who received these supports.
Successful deprescribing (that is, reducing or eliminating certain drugs that may be causing harm) in the course of routine care may depend on strengthening and elevating the information that is available to consumers.
Broadband, or high-speed Internet, isn’t just an option, it’s a necessity. It is increasingly essential for economic opportunity, innovation, health care, and education. It is crucial for livability.
Today more than ever, ADU policies show a commitment to supporting livability through housing opportunity and choice for people of all ages.
The integration of AARP's Livability Index: Great Neighborhoods for All Ages tool into the National Association of REALTORS®' (NAR) Realtors Property Resource® website and mobile app means more home buyers have the opportunity to factor in community livability into their decisions.
Until the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, older women were among the fastest-growing demographic groups in the US workforce.
American families have been accumulating debt at a rapid pace over the past two decades, with the debt level nearly doubling. Yet family incomes have not kept pace. As a result, the long-term retirement security of many families is at risk.
Two years of the COVID-19 public health crisis have clarified the steps needed to establish a more secure future for all.
Despite the myriad of financial challenges facing patients and all Americans, many brand name drug companies have already increased the prices of their products in 2022.