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Thinking Policy

Access to an employer-based, payroll-deduction retirement savings plan plays a key role in allowing people to save for the future. Yet nearly half of American workers, or about 56 million, do not have access to such a plan. To address this challenge, in recent years a growing number of states have…
In a recent AARP focus group, Malcolm (name changed for privacy), a 64-year-old man with health insurance through his employer and a preexisting condition, shared how over the course of a year, he received two low-balance medical bills he couldn’t afford to pay. The bills went to collection, which…
New AARP research finds that about half of American working adults, or about 56 million people, lack access to a payroll-deduction workplace retirement savings plan, making it much more difficult for them to save for retirement. Small business employees, workers with low-to-moderate earnings, and…
Will some retirees return to the labor force?
Policymakers should remove artificial obstacles preventing low-income workers from going back to work and businesses from filling vacancies.
The message from recent data is clear: nursing home residents and staff need booster shots now.
There is both an opportunity and an imperative to redesign the next Scorecard. This tool has the potential to draw further attention to critical issues in LTSS exposed by the COVID-19 crisis and help states build and maintain momentum in their efforts to modernize their LTSS systems.
Many older adults are unable to afford the hearing care they need. But that could soon change, thanks to a pair of developments.
Here's a look at some notable innovations in Original Medicare that put person and family first.
The Build Back Better Act that recently passed in the U.S. House of Representatives and is under consideration in the U.S. Senate includes several sections that could drive improvement in nursing home staffing and ultimately resident care and safety.
Older workers have much to gain from online learning and working. A new study examines the barriers and opportunities that exist for older workers accessing online programs, with a focus on their digital skill levels.
Food insecurity disproportionately hits Black and Hispanic older adults.
In many ways, we are still in the eye of the storm when it comes to seeing the employment effects of COVID-19.