Access to an employer-based, payroll-deduction retirement savings plan plays a key role in allowing people to save for the future. Yet nearly half of American workers, or about 56 million, do not have access to such a plan. To address this challenge, in recent years a growing number of states have…
In a recent AARP focus group, Malcolm (name changed for privacy), a 64-year-old man with health insurance through his employer and a preexisting condition, shared how over the course of a year, he received two low-balance medical bills he couldn’t afford to pay. The bills went to collection, which…
New AARP research finds that about half of American working adults, or about 56 million people, lack access to a payroll-deduction workplace retirement savings plan, making it much more difficult for them to save for retirement. Small business employees, workers with low-to-moderate earnings, and…
As our nation’s largest anti-hunger program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is especially important alongside rising food prices, which are hitting low-income people hardest.
Unemployment data reveal the ongoing discrepancies in unemployment rates among older workers by race, ethnicity, and sex, many of which further intensified during various points in the pandemic.
Good news for millions of older adults in the U.S. who suffer from hearing loss. The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) has just approved over-the-counter sale of basic hearing aids for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.
It is a little-known fact that many people who are eligible for low-cost health insurance coverage or financial help to pay for health care services remain unenrolled.
Many of the workers who retired during the pandemic were already at or beyond retirement age, making them less likely to return to work. But workers in the 65+ age group can be drawn back into the workforce under certain conditions.
High and growing prescription drug prices will eventually affect all Americans in some way. Congress is currently considering proposals that will permit Medicare to negotiate with drug companies, as well as discourage price increases that exceed inflation.